Hot sale FINAL DRIVE for HITACHI ZX330 | Partsdic®

Hot sale FINAL DRIVE for HITACHI ZX330 | Partsdic®

FINAL DRIVE for HITACHI ZX330 | Partsdic®
Precision Manufacturing: The final drive is manufactured with precision to ensure accurate assembly and alignment of its internal components. This precision manufacturing process enhances the overall efficiency and performance of the final drive, contributing to the smooth operation of the excavator.
FINAL DRIVE for, HITACHI ZX330 | Partsdic®

Power and Torque: The final drive is designed to handle the power and torque requirements of the Hitachi ZX330.

It is engineered to deliver high levels of torque to the tracks, allowing the machine to navigate through different terrains and perform demanding tasks.

Gear Ratio: The final drive has a specific gear ratio that determines the speed and power output to the tracks. The gear ratio is carefully calibrated to optimize the machine's performance, providing the right balance between speed and torque for efficient operation.

Sealed Design: The final drive is equipped with a sealed design to protect the internal components from dust, debris, and other contaminants. This ensures the longevity and reliability of the final drive, even in harsh environments.

High-strength Materials: The final drive is constructed using high-strength materials, such as hardened steel, to withstand heavy loads and resist wear and tear. This enhances the durability of the final drive, prolonging its service life and reducing maintenance requirements.

Advanced Cooling System: The Hitachi ZX330 final drive incorporates an advanced cooling system to regulate the temperature of the hydraulic fluid. This helps prevent overheating during prolonged operation, ensuring optimal performance and reducing the risk of component failure.

Precision Manufacturing: The final drive is manufactured with precision to ensure accurate assembly and alignment of its internal components. This precision manufacturing process enhances the overall efficiency and performance of the final drive, contributing to the smooth operation of the excavator.

Easy Maintenance: The Hitachi ZX330 final drive is designed for ease of maintenance.

It features accessible service points and inspection covers, making it convenient for technicians to perform regular maintenance tasks, such as fluid changes and inspections.

Compatibility: The final drive is specifically designed to be compatible with the Hitachi ZX330 excavator model. It is engineered to integrate seamlessly with the machine's hydraulic system, ensuring proper functionality and optimal performance.
FINAL DRIVE for HITACHI ZX330 | Partsdic®